Glovers Wood - part - Sold
Details for this wood
Guide price: £40,000 - Freehold
Size: In all about 3 acres
Location: Glovers Wood, Charlwood Lane, Charlwood, West Sussex
OS Landranger: 192
Grid ref: TQ 223 404
Nearest post code: RH6 0EL
Contact: Ben Williamson
Phone: 07958 213 914
Email: [email protected]
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A delightful bluebell woodland, with high conservation value and classified as a priority woodland habitat, close to the neighbouring SSSI, (site of special scientific interest) it has the advantages without the responsibilities with this status. Oak and ash and silver birch with hazel and hornbeam coppice a near perfect combination for home-fire firewood supplies. Open areas inside the wood are perfect for wildlife and family recreation.
The boundaries although unmarked are easy to discern, there is a 'For Sale' sign and orange marker tapes on the 4 corners. See plan.
Access is off Charlwood Lane - there is a right of way along a woodland track as shown on the plans, although this is not passable in winter. A bridleway extends along the western side suitable for foot and cycle access.
Please park to view as on the plan, with the P and walk along the bridleway until seeing the 'For Sale' sign. This entrance is opposite the western entrance to Westlands Stud.
Please note, none of these woods are suitable for residential development, other uses such as summer camping may well be suitable.
Viewing: You are welcome to visit this wood by yourself, but please ensure that you have a copy of these sales details with you - many of our woodlands do not have mobile phone reception or internet access so we recommend either printing the details or downloading them to your phone/tablet/laptop. Please take care when viewing as the great outdoors can contain unexpected hazards and woodlands are no exception.
Maps are : © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 OS Licence no.100057987
Our Maps

Glovers Wood on the west side of Charlwood, is about 2 miles northwest of Crawley.
Click here for Bing Maps Directions enter your own postcode, (the coordinates for the parking place are already entered).
For Satnav: the nearest postcode is RH6 0ELas shown by the red dot on the maps. Coordinates for your satnav are N51.147088, W0.254159
Please note: the particulars with plans, maps, descriptions and measurements are for reference only and although carefully checked we cannot guarantee their accuracy and do not form part of any contract. Any intending purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of these particulars.